Sonntag , Februar 16 2025


An opportunity to comment on Shiite scholars in Germany
6-7thOctober 2017, Berlin

Friday, 6thOctober
08:30 Registration
09:00 Recitation of Qur’an
09:10 Report of the Secretary
09:20 Welcome speech of the Ambassador of Iran to Germany
09:30 Ritual performance: Ta‘ziya:Dialogue between Hurr and Abbas (pbuh)
9:50 -11:50 First Session:Shi’a, Ahl al-Bayt and the emergence of Seminaries
Panel Chair: Prof. Dr. Birgit Zweigle/ Evangelische Hochschule Berlin
10:00 – 10:20
Dr Mohsen Khandan; Baqir al-‘Ulum University of Qum, Iran
Continuous growth of Shiite sub-civilization
10:20 – 10:40
Dr Kazuo Morimoto; University of Tokyo, Japan
Why was Genealogy of the Prophet’s Family studied in the Twelver Shi’i centres in Iraq (12th-15th c.)?
10:40 – 11:00
Dr Andrew Newman, The University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Early Responses to al-Hayra
11:00 – 11:20
Dr. Ahab Bdaiwi; Leiden University, Netherlands
Neither Shiraz, Isfahan, nor Najaf: Shiʿi Learning in Medieval Bahrain, c. 1200-1300
11:20 – 11:50 Q&A, Discussion
11:50 – 13:30Praying time / Lunch
13:30 – 15:45 Second Session: Texts and methods of educational seminaries
Panel Chair: Dr.Sajjad H. Rizvi; University of Exceter, UK
13:35 – 13:55
Em. Sheikh Mohammad Taghi Sobhani, Qum Seminary, Iran
Theological school of Imamiyya in Kufa; Methodological and epistemic differences
Dr Edmund Hayes, Leiden University, Netherlands
Continuity and Change in Shi‘i Institutions of Learning: Between the Imams and the Occultation
14:15 – 14:35
Ayat Allah Dr Ahmad Mablaghi; Qum Seminary, Iran
The Triple Aspects of Shiite Fiqh
14:35 – 14:55
Dr John Walbridge, Indianapolis University, USA
Safavid/Qajar Majmu‘as as Sources for Intellectual History
14:55 -15:15
Dr Mohammad Ali Kazembeyki; University of Tehran, Iran
Texts and common scholar heritage of Zaidi and Imami schools
15:15 – 15:45 Q&A, Discussion
15:45 – 16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 – 17:50 Third Session: Courses and exchange of ideas of the Seminary
Panel Chair: Dr. Kazuo Morimoto; University of Tokyo, Japan
16:05 – 16:25
Dr LiyakatTakim, McMaster University, Canada
Ijtihad and Usul al-Fiqh: Historical and Contemporary Manifestations
16:25 – 16:45
Dr Mohsen Javadi; Qum University, Iran
Shi’a Practical Theology
16:45 – 17:05
Dr Morteza Kariminia; Encyclopedia Islamica Foundations, Iran
A new paradigm in the history of Shi‘a Tafsir: Al-Wazir al-Maghribi (370 -418 AH) and his al-Masabifitafsir al-Qur‘an
17:05 – 17:25
Dr Janis Esots; The Institute of Ismaili Studies, London
Transcendent Wisdom as a Method of Exegesis, or Sadra‘s Commentary on Kulayni‘s Kitab al-Kafi Revisited
17:25 – 17:50 Q&A, Discussion
17:50 – 18:05 Coffee Break
18:05 – 18:55 Fourth Session: Shiite and Sunnite Seminary
Panel Chair: Dr Mohammad Amer, Al-Turath Center, Berlin
18:05 – 18:25
Dr Shahbaz Mohseni; Mahabad University of Kurdistan, Iran
Educational methods of Shi’ism and Sunni educational principles
18:25 – 18:45
Prof. Dr Mohammad Al-Shahat, Al-Azhar, Egypt
The Ethics of Dialogue between the Professors in the Seminary of the Shiites and the Sunnis; A Case Study of Allama Sharaf al-Din
18:45 – 18:55 Q&A, Discussion
 Invited by:
Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran, S.E. Ali Majedi
Saturday, 7thOctober
9:30 – 11:20 Fifth Session – Philosophy and ethics
Panel Chair: Dr Morteza Kariminia; Encyclopedia Islamica, Iran
9:35 – 9:55
Em. Sheikh Majid Hadizadeh, Isfahan Seminary, Iran
Philosophical challenges at Isfahan Seminary
9:55 – 10:15
Dr Mohammad Ali Shomali; Islamic Center of England
General characteristics of Shi’a Islam: Rationality, Spirituality and search for Justice
10:15 – 10:35
Dr Sajjad H. Rizvi; University of Exceter, UK
Avicenna in the Shi’i Provinces: The Role of Mahdi Naraqi (d. 1797) as Philosopher-Theologian in an Age of Uncertainty
10:35 – 10:55
Dr Sedigheh Mousavi; University Tübingen, Germany
School of Isfahan
10:55 – 11:20 Q&A, Discussion
11:20 – 11:35 Coffee Break
11:35 – 12:05 Sixth Session, Keynotes and Discussions
Panel Chair: Dr Peyman Ayat
11:40 -11:55
Keynote: Ayatollah Reza Ramezani, Imam and Director of Islamic Center of Hamburg
Shi’a and contemporary Europe
11:55 – 12:05 Q&A, Discussion
12:05 – 13:30 Praying time/ Lunch
13:30 – 15:10 Seventh Session: Shi’a and the modern world
Panel Chair: Dr Mohammad Ali Kazembeyki, University of Tehran
13:35 – 13:55
Dr Abdolmajid Mobaleghi, Research Centre of Qum Seminary, Iran
Analytical historiography of Shiite jurisprudence in the public domain and the theory of Allama Na’ini
13:55 – 14:15
Dr Oliver Scharbrodt; University of Chester, UK
Sayyid Jamal Al-Din “Al-Afghani“(1838/9-1897): ‘Irfan and Modern Islamic Activism
14:15 – 14:35
Dr Mohammad Reza Kalantari; University of London, UK
The turbulence relationship: Najaf and Tehran seminaries at the midst of constitutional revolution
14:35 – 15:05 Q&A, Discussion
15:10 – 15:25 Coffee Break
15:25 – 16:00 Final Session: Celebrating the scholars of Islam and Shi’ism
Panel Chair: Dr Mahdi Serdani; Germany
15:30 -15:40
Statement and report of the secretariat of the Book of the Year by Dr Mohsen Javadi, Secretary of the Book of the Year
15:40 – 15:50
Book presentation: Kritik der westlichen Philosophie in Iran, Zum geistesgeschichtlichen Selbstverständnis von Muhammad Husayn Tabatabai und Murteza Mutahari: Iran and Shiism, Selected German Literature on issues of Islam
15:50 – 16:10
The award of the Islamic Republic of Iran to 5 scholars and writers of German speaking world in the field of Islamic studies and Iran
  • Dr. Joseph van Ess
  • GerhardBöwering
  • Prof. Desmond Durkin-Meisterernst
  • Dr. Wolfram Kleiss
  • UrsGösken
 16:00 Closing
17:00 – 18:30
Special performance

Programme An opportunity to comment on Shiite scholars in Germany.pdf

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